hand WAsh Corona

How many times a day do I have to wash my hands? Is there a proper way to do this? Should I use soap or water? If these questions come up in your mind regularly, don't worry. We are here to answer all of them and more. How? Read well and learn some amazing facts about how to wash your hands. They may not be terribly attractive, but they are undoubtedly extremely important.

Here are 8 amazing facts about hand washing that you might not want to ignore, but you will likely finish it anyway.

How many times a day?

Fact: Studies show that you should wash your hands 6 times a day.
So, you have the answer to your question. Now you know how often you should wash your hands. Since we are awake for approximately 16 hours, the strategy needs to be performed once every 2.5 hours. His palms have touched 1,500 potentially germicidal surfaces in the washes.

How long do germs survive?

Fact: Germs are tough little critics and can survive in your hands for 2 to 24 hours.
You can wash your hands ten minutes in advance, but if you have a cold and you have a runny nose, wash your hands more often than usual. Helps to remove residual germs from your hands.

Keep your hands on you

Fact: You can easily touch a surface infected with 300 germs in just half an hour.
It's not amazing, and we don't even count those who like to garden.

This means that you can get sick from germs that others leave on the surface. Did you know that a 2012 study from Purdue University found that cell phones contain 10 times more bacteria than toilet seats?

Fact: The average woman or man touches their face about 16 times an hour.
Since we are about to touch or not touch, let's be clear. You can't help but touch your face. However, you can try to keep your hands clean and germ-free. Therefore, wash your hands six times a day and stay safe.

Techniques: it always does:

Technology is important to everything you do, but who would have thought there was a hand washing technique?

Fact: According to the WHO, proper technique and regular hand washing are more important and prevent disease more than vaccines or treatment.

Incredible, isn't it? However, this does not mean that you do not need the vaccine. Follow your doctor's advice on this, but surprise her with the above truth.

Risk reduction:

Washing your hands frequently can cut your risk of foodborne illness in half.
According to the CDC, hand washing reduces the risk of disease by about 50%. So all you have to do is wash your hands properly and you can keep those bacteria at bay.

Soap and water:

Well, we admit that it is a bit obvious. That is why our mothers always insisted on using soap and water. Now you know! But remember.

Washing soap with water is not soap, these little germs do not always die. They can survive bathing, but not antiseptic hand washing.

Stopping the disease:

Proper hand washing can prevent 75 million rare cases of Corona, diarrhea and stomach problems in people in the whole world each year.

Whoops! That's a lot! Wash your hands often and don't become one of the 75 million "I don't have time to wash my hands so I have diarrhea."

We hope you find our list of truthful information useful and surprising. Do you know more amazing information on hand washing? Do you have any suggestions for our readers? Share your thoughts and stories with us here.